Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rediscovering Life

Its funny when you look back on life, you realize how some things have changed and how some things haven't changed.

I revisited my blog posting from 2007 (the three that I had) and this is what I found -- I was working in finance and I was trying new things. And now, I am taking a break from finance and am trying a new career in photography and personally testing my culinary skills. Isn't that amazing?

It seems like a drastic career change, but its a worthwhile change. I won't dismiss the thought of returning to finance just yet, but its certainly on the back burner for now -- especially as I explore what I can do in photography. I mean, I gave up my travel in Asia to pursue this potential opportunity (now THAT is a BIG sacrifice for me!) ... So as I am putting away my 12C calculator and am dusting off my old canon camera to use it to rediscover my life ... I will be pushing myself to the limits once again in hopes of becoming a photographer ...

Another personal pursuit has been cooking from scratch and demystifying the idea that cooking is hard. Yes, put away that frozen tray dinner and get out those fresh vegetables and meat/poultry/fish. If you haven't been fortunate enough to participate in the Susan Can Cook series, get on it! You can help by thinking of new dishes you'd like to try to make or simply just come and join in on my cooking nights (sorry, only 2-3 people per event -- so i could catch up with everyone at the same time)!

So far, all the things I've made from raw ingredients include - pasta sauce (oh yea, 3+ hours of simmering), pizza (ok, so i bought trader joe's dough -- but i did roll it!), short ribs, salmon teriyaki with wasabi mashed potatoes, balsamic chicken (2x, one with a tomato sauce and the other with garlic and onions), peanut butter cookies, tenderloin roast, sweet potato au gratin ... and much more to come. salvating yet? well, perhaps you will be invited to my next Susan Can Cook night...

so, to my friends, i hope you will be there to support me in my year of personal development and personal growth!

So now, what hasn't changed? I'm still living in New York City !!! Though, I do have to admit over the last year or so, the city has lost some of its luster... But that is likely attributable to my disinterest of being out til 6 a.m... Wow, I have changed!! I turned a new leaf -- yeah, or I just turned around the corner and realized I have a "3_" in my age and can no longer recover as fast as before. haha. But truthfully, its time to grow up and pursue some of my own personal interests... So I guess, the only true thing that has stayed constant is -- "me in NYC" ...

so my journey begins... as I rediscover life and push myself to new limits -- i will learn more about myself through my rite of passage into photography and cooking.

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