Macy's Annual July 4th Fireworks (Last Year: 2009)
34th annual Macy's July 4th Annual Firework celebration begins at approximately 9:20 pm tonight, along the Hudson River between 24th and 50th street. The 26 minute pyrotechnic show will feature more than 40,000 displays of "jaw-dropping" effects over the Manhattan skyline. The theme in this year's fireworks display is American Harmony, which is a new "one-of-a-kind" score featuring a selection of America's musical traditions from gospel, a-cappella pop music, barbershop quartets and choral singing. The score will be performed by the New York Pops and the Grammy award-winning Mormon Tabernacle Choir. For information on access points to see the show and how to get there by subway, bus, or train,
click here for "how to get there". Or for more information about the show (i.e. musical score, the fireworks, and other details),
click here for "About the Show".
If you do not want to brave the crowds this year, you can watch the fireworks from your couch and see the live broadcast on NBC starting at 9:00 pm. Justin Bieber will be on the broadcast.
Enjoy and be safe this July 4th!
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